Friday, May 2, 2008

First try at felting

I spent yesterday evening experimenting with hand-felting* while M went to see the opening of Iron Man.

I did this potholder on size 8 needles in garter stitch, with 40 stitches and about 100 rows and a crocheted slipstitch border all the way around. I can't find the yarn label right now, but I'll add that info when I do.

I haven't noticed any change in size, but maybe I just need to felt it more. We'll see how it feels after it dries. Right now it's still damp and feels very heavy and thick. It felt thick before felting, but had lots more drape.

It turns out that dark brown knitting isn't at all easy for me to photograph, but here's what I managed to get. The first photo is pre-felting, the second is post.

*Yes, I know that technically this is fulling, not felting.

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